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Six Common Interview Questions And Answers


To help you prepare for your next interview and set you up for success, here are some common interview questions and responses. 


Please describe yourself.

At first look, this question may appear to be the simplest to respond to. A brief self-introduction, on the other hand, may require you to summarise who you are, what you've accomplished, and why you're the most qualified applicant for the position. However, you may stumble over your words and fail to emphasise yourself to the fullest extent. Maintain a response that is pertinent to the position and your experience. My response would be as follows:

"As a freelance writer and communications professional, I am really enthusiastic about women, work, and well-being. I pursued a profession in public accounting after earning my master's degree in professional accountancy, prior to developing a deep affection for writing and storytelling. Creating and implementing internal communication strategies, developing company culture, pushing diversity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging initiatives, and connecting the employee population across our footprint are all aspects of my present position as corporate communications manager.

What sparked your interest in this position?

A hint will be provided regarding how to avoid responding. Avoid phrases such as "since I hurriedly applied for this position after a terrible day at work" or "because my current boss stinks, I'll accept whatever I can get." Consider what actually piqued your interest in the position—whether it be the work itself, the organisation, or the chance to advance professionally. The following is how I would react if I were applying for a comparable role as a communications manager:

"This prospect intrigues me because [insert firm name here] has traditionally been regarded as an industry leader. I was particularly intrigued by this role due to [elucidate the reasons for your sincere interest in the particular position]. "The possibility to utilise my knowledge in aiding in the development of [insert firm name future ]'s fills me with great enthusiasm."

Do you possess formidable strength?

An interview in which you discuss your biggest strength provides you with the chance to boast about your successes. Despite any potential unease regarding self-promotion, here is your opportunity to articulate to the hiring manager the reasons why your particular skill set is an ideal match for the position. It is advantageous to support your claims of possessing a particular strength with specific instances and narrative construction.

"My most notable attribute is my capacity to devise a communications plan that yields immediate and long-term advantages for an organisation. I have contributed to the development of the communications strategy in my current role by establishing processes that assist in meeting the demands of our internal teams and employees, while also considering long-term viability. I can create and execute strategies in a way that benefits all parties involved by being attentive to detail, self-aware of what will and will not work, and cognizant of what will confer the most value to our team and our personnel.

Could you please identify your worst weakness?

Although no one enjoys discussing their weaknesses, we all have some, if we're being completely candid. Self-awareness is crucial in answering this question, as it enables you to identify your areas of improvement and the steps you are undertaking to alleviate those weaknesses. My response would be as follows:

"Majority of the time, I have the propensity to become entangled in the particulars. It is in my nature to pay close attention to the smallest of details; I began my professional life in a very detail-oriented position and hold two accounting degrees. If I permit it, this may lead me to neglect the greater perspective. Over the course of my professional trajectory, I have developed an increased level of self-awareness regarding when I perceive a situation developing. A sign to myself to reassess the situation and take a step back is when I become entangled in the minutiae. This assists me in determining the task's priority and identifying areas where my focus should be redirected.

What motivates you to be an employee of this organisation?

This inquiry serves as an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your sincere curiosity regarding the position while also underscoring your thorough investigation. Sharing the goal that is in line with your long-term objectives, personal beliefs, and experience is ideal; therefore, there is no reason to hesitate. My response to an application for a dream position at a dream company would be as follows:

"Based on our discussion today and the information I've gleaned from your website and social media, [insert company name] appears to be an incredible environment in which to advance my career and work. It is significant to me that the values of the organisation for which I work are congruent with my own, and it is inspiring to learn that your organisation shares this sentiment. I'm seeking a firm where I can further my career over the next few years, and this position and organisation provide me an interesting and challenging opportunity to do just that."

What are some inquiries that you may have for me?

It is vital to consistently prepare inquiries for the interviewer. Now is your opportunity to pose a reflective inquiry that can assist in demonstrating several points: (1) that you have been actively participating and attentive in the discourse, (2) that you are enthusiastic about the opportunity, and (3) that you are the most suitable candidate for the position due to your qualifications, intelligence, inquisitiveness, and (hopefully) authentic interest and curiosity regarding the role.

Not only are you being interviewed, but the company is also doing an interview with you; therefore, do not miss this chance to ask any questions that are particularly pertinent. Questions are likely to be asked throughout the interview; however, you may choose to prepare a few inquiries in advance in case the interviewer completely answers your concerns. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions:

1. Based on your personal experience, how would you characterise [insert firm name] culture's?

2. What is a problem that impedes your sleep that this position could potentially address?

3. It appears that you have established a prosperous professional trajectory at the organisation. Which professional trajectory do you perceive as viable for this position?

4. What is your preferred aspect of your employment at [insert name of company]?

Good luck!


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